Privacy Policy

Legal notice, cookies and privacy policy

Legal Notice

This website is owned by:

Cassius Data Consult

Chaussée de la Hulpe 185

1170 Watermael-Boitsfort

This website intends to comply with legal texts determining the protection of personal data of visitors to this website, namely the Law of July 30, 2018 (Law on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data) and the European Regulation of April 27, 2016 applicable since May 25, 2018. The privacy of each visitor to this site is respected, the information collected about him is only used appropriately.

Please consult our privacy policy to know your rights regarding the protection of your Personal Data.

1. General

Use of this site implies full and complete acceptance of the terms of use described below. These terms of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, so site users are invited to consult them regularly. This site is normally accessible at all times to users. However, an interruption for technical maintenance may be decided by our digital marketing agency, which will then try to communicate in advance to users the dates and times of the intervention. The site is regularly updated by our company and our agency, The Service Company. Similarly, the legal notices can be modified at any time: they nevertheless apply to the user who is invited to refer to them as often as possible to be aware of them.

2. Description of Provided Services

The purpose of this site is to provide information on all the services offered and missions carried out by the company or the individual represented. The latter, as well as our agency The Service Company, strive to provide as accurate information as possible on the site. However, they cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies, and deficiencies in the update, whether by them or by third-party partners who provide this information. All information on this site is indicative and may evolve. Moreover, the information on the site is not exhaustive. They are given subject to changes that have been made since they went online.

3. Contractual Limitations on Technical Data

The website cannot be held responsible for material damage related to the use of the site. In addition, the user of the site agrees to access the site using recent equipment, free from viruses, and with an updated latest generation browser.

4. Intellectual Property and Counterfeits

Unless otherwise stated, Cassius data consult owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights to use all accessible elements on the site, including text, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, by any means or process whatsoever, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Cassius data consult. Any unauthorized exploitation of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the law.

5. Limitations of Liability

The Service Company or the represented company cannot be held responsible for direct and indirect damage caused to the user's equipment when accessing this site, resulting either from the use of equipment that does not meet the specifications indicated in point 4, or the appearance of a bug or incompatibility. They will also not be liable for indirect damages (such as a loss of market or loss of opportunity) resulting from the use of this site.

6. Cookies

In addition to collecting personal data via a contact form or the use of another form, some data can be retrieved through cookies placed on the website. A cookie is a file placed by a site on the browser you use to surf the internet. It allows you to recognize you each time you visit the site in question. Cookies can be placed by the owner of the website or by external providers depending on their purpose explained below.

Cookie policy

7. Applicable Law

These provisions will be governed, interpreted, executed in accordance with Belgian law, the only applicable law, in the event of a dispute. Any dispute that could not be settled amicably within a period not exceeding one month from its occurrence, this period may be extended by mutual agreement, may be brought by the most diligent party before the French-speaking Courts and Tribunals of the concerned district.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy document is addressed to anyone who contacts the company or the individual whose commercial activity is exposed on this site through it.

The collected data is limited to the strictly necessary information for processing your file and is processed with the utmost respect. We prioritize the storage and processing of your data in the utmost respect for privacy and best practices. We are committed to protecting your personal data and not misusing it or any disclosure and treat them discreetly.

We inform you of the use made of your data and how to collect them because your trust is important to us. Below are the principles of confidentiality and respect for your privacy and your data in force on this site.

1) Processing of personal data

We attach the utmost importance to the protection of your personal data.

The processing of your personal data is carried out with the utmost respect for current legislation on the subject, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

2) Who is responsible for data processing?

Kevin Kielbaey

3) On what legal basis is data processing based?

The processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of our missions of public interest or falling under the exercise of public authority, or for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the latter, or to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject as data controller, or for the purposes of legitimate interests that we pursue as data controller. When you mandate us to carry out a mission or address a specific request to us, the processing of your data may also be based on your consent.

Our personal data processing operations are based on the following legal bases:

a. Processing of personal data collected via our website:

  • Contact form
  • Online payment (if effective)
  • Quote form (if effective)
  • Order form (if effective)

Legal basis: your consent.

b. Data processing for information purposes intended for applicants and/or their counsel:

Sending occasional emails dealing with news in the context of our profession's purposes, services offered, a response to a request or offer, sending a commercial offer...

Legal basis: our legitimate interest.

4) What are the categories of processed personal data?

We process the following categories of personal data:

  • Personal identification data: name, address, contact details (phone number, email address)
  • Electronic identification data using the website and online applications: IP address, cookies, connection times

5) Who can we share your personal data with?

We do not share your personal data, except in accordance with legal obligations.

6) How long is your personal data stored?

They are stored indefinitely, until you request the deletion of this data or until they are no longer of any use for the previously mentioned use.

7) What are your rights?

In accordance with current legislation, you have rights concerning the processing of your personal data.

​a. The right to view your data.

​If you wish to view the data we process about you, you can exercise your right of access; we will provide you with the most complete overview possible of your data..

​b. The right to rectify your data.

​It may happen that some data we hold about you are not or no longer correct. You can always request that these data be rectified or supplemented.

​c. The right to request the deletion of your data.

​If you believe that the processing of certain data is inappropriate, you can request that these data be deleted by contacting us directly by email.l.

​d. The right to refuse that your data be processed automatically.

​We do not carry out data processing in a fully automated manner, without human intervention.

8) How to exercise your rights or get more information?

Please be precise in your request so that we can process your request concretely and correctly. When exercising a right, we may ask you to justify your identity to prevent someone else from exercising your rights on your behalf. A copy of the identity card may therefore be requested.

To exercise your rights or obtain more information on this subject, you must contact the data controller via the contact details displayed on this site's contact page.